
Self Defence has become a prime requisite in today's world, particularly for women. Depressing is the fact that crime against women tops the news headlines, almost every day, though many such crimes still go un-reported, due to pre-conceived notion of social stigma attached.

Everyone should understand the importance of self defence but its not everyone game, self defence require good amount of techniques and regular training. In our regular busy schedule its not easy of regular training. Being a trained martial artist and having good amount of experience in coaching. I have prepared few videos based on self defence techniques. My goal is to reach to you with my simple, effective and easy to adopt self defence techniques. So keep watching and be safe.

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Simple Self Defence Technique – How to release your hand

Simple Self Defence Technique – Slap or Punch Defence

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Simple Self Defence Technique – Slap or Punch Defence

Self Defence Technique - Shoulder Lock from Back

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Self Defence Technique - Shoulder Lock from Back

Simple Self Defence Technique – Shirt Collar/Cloths Hold

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Simple Self Defence Technique – Shirt Collar/Cloths Hold

Simple Self Defence Technique - Round over shoulder lock

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Round over shoulder lock

Simple Self Defence Technique – Front Shoulder lock

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Front Shoulder lock

Simple easy self Defence technique against front lock or hug

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Front lock or Hug

Self Defense technique against hold hair by front side

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Hair lock by front side

Self Defense technique against hold hand from back side

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Hand lock from back side

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