Monday, May 28, 2018

Abs exercise 3rd session

Leg Raises

Lie down on your back and put your hands beneath your heaps for support.

Then lift your legs up until they form a right angle or “L” shape with the floor. Exhale while you lift your legs, inhale and slowly bring your legs back down and repeat the exercise.

10 counts for each set, take rest and complete the exercise with 3 set.


How to do: get into pushup on the floor. Place your forearms on the ground with your elbows aligned below your shoulders and your arms parallel to your body, at about shoulder-width distance apart.

Make sure your body is lifted and parallel to the floor for the duration of your plank.

During plank make sure your breathing is normal.
Time duration: if you are new then start with 20 seconds for each set, take rest and complete the exercise with 3 set.
Make sure after completion of every week you increase your count

1st week 20 second
2nd week 30 second
3rd week 40 seconds
4th week 60 seconds

Leg raises are a great way to target your lower abdominal muscles and also increase the strength and flexibility in your hips and lower back

Strength and endurance in your abs, back, and core. The plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning but it also works your glutes, hamstrings and tones your body

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